Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Magic of Masai Mara

Public service annoucement: This post was produced solely for the purpose of rubbing it in. I'm in Kenya suckas!

Luxury tent. Personal safari van. Wildebeest migration. Bacon all day er'day. Chillin' with a cheetah. Watching a lion show a carcass who's boss. Standing in Tanzania AND Kenya at the same time. Yeah, I got it like that ;)
I talk way too much. This time, enjoy the photos!

Kwa Heri for now,


  1. OH MY GOSH! I'm SO jealous!

  2. SO COOL! Love wildlife!

    p.s. Keep your phone on tomorrow, there are people trying to call you! Love you <3

  3. Spectacular pictures, particularly the wildebeests. Tell Mayan all the weight he put on is in his cheeks.

  4. Hi mags!! im still not jealous cuz i went to the zoo a month ago.. but i am felling them 2 sausages
