Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Something Unsettling

Hey guys...

My friend Sandra (fellow teacher) sent me a link of a video today that is supposedly of Derrion Albert getting beat to death right outside his highschool in Southside, Chicago Thursday. According to news reports, the area has been plagued by gang activity for a long time. Click here for video and news report.

All the news reports I've read has stated that Albert was in no way affiliated with these gangs and that he was an innocent bystander until he got atttacked. I really don't think it matters whether or not he was involved in gangs. The reality is, that as long as gang culture continues to pervade urban areas, anyone involved, gang member or not, should be seen as a victim to some extent. Now this is not an excuse for those who are initiating these spurts of violence but everyone must keep in mind that these reactions ARE a social commentary on the paranoia and distrust people in these areas feel. The marginalization of people like those in Altgeld Gardens, Chicago is leading to feelings of instability and anxiety amongst their youth. And although we like to think of the west as a collection of progressive nations, I'm sorry but I definitely see connections between this situation and ones I encountered in Kenya. People do not feel that if they do not organize for themselves, no one will lobby for their rights. And because these people are among the "bottom rungs" in their society, they are already pissed off with the current system.

It is unfortunate that we are only paying attention to places like Altgeld Gardens because of the violent outbursts. And we can be critical today, but where is our support for the other days of the year? This happens all over the world, be it in urban areas or slum. The sad part is that major news outlets are quick to try to find an excuse, asking "did this child participate in gang activity?" when people should really be up in arms about how our current societal structures overlook the needs of these communities so much so that they feel they need to organize an alternative form of governance. It's times like these where I am proud and weary of my future profession.

"What's going on?" - Marvin Gaye

This piece of news really stuck out to me because during my time in Kenya I read Barack Obama's Dreams From My Father where he talks about his transition from working with the Altgeld Gardens area to South Nyanza, Kenya. I never would have known about this Chicago neighbourhood otherwise. And as a side note, this book really resonated with me and was my favourite read of the summer.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tourist? or Traveller?

Okay Toronto. the blog assignment is... do you consider yourself a tourist or traveller?

now, i got this assignment in the middle of the summer and STILL have no come up with an answer. SO, I think i'm gonna be diplomatic and say, "I'm a traveller who enjoys tourist attractions". I think this best suits me because to me, a traveller is someone who understands their responsibility as a global citizen and is concerned with knowing the stories behind the fascade, even though sometimes its fun to revel in the spectacle of tourist attractions. I'm only human and going on camel rides and nightly dance shows ARE FUN! so there.

It's hard to explain but i feel like in the village, where i had my extended stay, I was a traveller. I had the time to listen to stories and get a good hold of how the community functioned. I think when I left the village to do our Masai Mara and Mombasa trip, I was more of a tourist. Not that I didn't engage in conversations with the locals, but they didn't know me and knew I was only there for a few days. We held eachother at arm's length.

I think now that i've come back it's easier to say i'm a traveller because the people i talk to are really impressed with the fact i know so much about the people i lived around. But i may still consider myself a tourist because i don't know any whole truths. At the end of it all, i'm still and outsider and that in itself created a divide between me and the Kenyans I formed friendships with, be it for 3 months or a week.

I STILL don't know... what do you think?

No need to settle down, my body don't know how

Hey guys! YES i'm still blogging now that I'm back in Toronto!

I'm a few days short of having been back a month, the whole time telling myself I SHOULD and MUST blog.
This is telling of how much "me" time I've had.

I've been trying my best to get back into the groove of my life before I left and I think I've done okay. I've been anticipating and yearning for it for awhile now! While I'm living life as I had, I can't help but think WOW.. is all this really necessary? I mean.. I love my life but I feel like in order to enjoy little things, I have to consider the other chain of events a decision can make. My life sounds simple, it's basically school, art club, work and friends. It sounds simple, all I have to do is show up and do work. WRONG. *especially with concurrent education*

I have to teaching high school, apply for club funding and program space, opt out of York catering, get a new outfit for my sister's birthday, write assignments all while looking good for work and keeping up a social life. All these little things are packing up my schedule! And while I feel i have the same ability to organize my life, I find myself questioning...WHY ALL THE CLUTTER? I'm not trying to idealize my time spe
nt in Kenya, I do realize that my volunteer work there was only sustainable for a short time and people can't really live that way forever. But it did help me see how much fluff there is in my life now.

Example: If I want to enroll in a class i can't just do it if there's seats available. I gotta call people, set up appointments, get put on a waiting list before they approve me. Sometimes, democracy IS a time consuming bitch! *this is my venting session.. let me air out* .....I'm EXHAUSTED. but glad to be back. The thing is, I would never lighten my load even though I complain. Which is very ME pre-internship. So I guess I do resemble my former self. I just need to let off some steam once in awhile.

I love my program and the art club has been such an integral part of my growth as an educator and leader that I could never leave unless absolutely necessary. I HAVE to go out and party
even though it complicates my life. And work? Well, I need something fuel my spending habits :P

I'm back to my fast paced lifestyle y'all. I still got it. I'm just a whole lot more critical.

There is so much to say, but I lack the words to say it. I'm just glad to be home and to ALWAYS have somewhere to go and SOMETHING to do.

me and my little tandoori flame at my sister's birthday :)