Monday, July 13, 2009

What's New?

The amazing thing about Kenya is that you can be in such a rural location and still see so many western cultural references. I don't think I have to tell you that they love Obama here. They call him the son of Kenya haha! Afterall, he IS the fruit of their loins. They have alot of Obama merchandise here. I just bought some Obama bubblegum the other day. de-lish!

There's also another light-skinned brother getting some love in Kenya. Yes, Drake has made his way into rural Kenya. I'm beginning to hear him on Boboi's solar powered radio *giggles* and the newspaper even posted his lyrics in their entertainment section. BIG TINGS.

Rejoice TO! I'm being booted off, but I'm in Kisumu for 2-3 more days, so I'll be back with more flava. MAN! you should see our hotel. Laugh. Out. Loud.

Gossip Girl


  1. You watch gossip girl afterall!

  2. mags, Drake is on Billboards Top 100.. Number 3 this week.. and last. Your prediction about Drake being "over" by the time you come back my be wrong after all :)

  3. LOL awww your hubby!! not sure if you know, but he has a video out now for Best I Ever Had directed by Kanye. it kinda sucks but whatever...and he also got signed for a few mill...i forget to which label, but I Assume lil wayne's.

  4. TO is standing up all the way in Kenya. First you Magoo, now with the Drake post!
