Saturday, August 29, 2009

Lesson Learned

Okay... so my time in Kenya has come to an end. Mayan and I are spending our last 24 hours in Kenya, then 3 days in Amsterdam, then home to you :) Today, my main goal was to post once more before I head out of the country. I will still post after this, but this will be my last time in the luxury of a cyber cafe where the power can cut at any second. (it's really helped with the efficiency of my typing)

*I would also like to note we are curr
ently listening to Celine Dion on the radio* haha! When I first came to Kenya, my bff Leslie was shocked we didn't all talk like Celine Dion... *sigh* memories. I really hope I don't come back home as one of those people who travel just so they can go home and say "In Kenya this" and "in Kenya that" (shudders).

ANYWAYS, I know my posts have been a bit heavy lately since I'm leaving soon and getting all philosophical and stuff. But today, I'd like to keep it short and sweet and share with you a few things I've learnt in the past few days:

1. Never ever over-estimate a Kenyan man's alcohol tolerance. (the photos below were from last night when Willis, our body guard, took us clubbing and assured us a few shots were not going to affect him. NOT TRUE. haha fun times)

. When taking a bus across country, ALWAYS ALWAYS request a seat in the front. My butt is still bruised from the bumpy ride :(

3. There is a HUGE difference between the word Matoke and Mataco. One is a specialty Ugandan dish. The other means butthole.

4. Don't eat cupcakes in your bathing suit. crumbs.

5. If you want to order shots, you should really call them "tots". Saying "I want a shot" apparently means you want a prostitute.

There's alot of story telling to do once I get home :)

1 comment:

  1. I like stories let me tell you one..... one time at band camp......
